Relaxation Techniques for the Fear of Flying
"The New York Times" suggests that 40 percent of people have some anxiety about flying. You might have a such a big concern about flying that it qualifies as a phobia. Although phobias can seem...
View ArticleHow to Transition From Effexor XR to Pristiq
When treating depression and anxiety symptoms, it is often a long process of testing anti-depression prescriptions until the right formula is found. According to Psych Central, the medication Effexor...
View ArticleHow to Overcome the Fear of Flight
Many individuals who board airplanes do so with some amount of fear. Some experience only mild "butterflies," whereas others experience severe anxiety. This anxiety can stem from one or more areas,...
View ArticleHow to Reduce Fear of the Audience in Public Speaking
Public speaking can be terrifying to think about. There are ways to reduce the fear of being confronted by an audience. By following just a few tips, you will be on your way to a less stressful public...
View ArticleSigns & Symptoms of Hyperventilating
Hyperventilation is easily confused with a panic attack because initially both conditions produce a shortness of breath. However, hyperventilation occurs when the body exhales carbon dioxide at a rate...
View ArticleTips to Prevent Panic Attacks
While panic attacks used to be written off as nerves or people incapable of handling stress, they are now recognized as a legitimate medical condition. Medication is available for sufferers of chronic...
View ArticleHow to Break the Fear of Flying
A fear of flying is considered a situational phobia. Phobias are usually irrational fears of situations or things that should not cause extreme distress. If you have a fear of flying, you may have...
View ArticleHow to Deal With Panic Attacks Naturally
Panic disorder, a type of anxiety disorder, is characterized by recurrent panic attacks. Panic attack symptoms include hyperventilation, sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, trembling, chest pain and...
View ArticleHow to Overcome a Fear of Clowns
Fear of clowns, also known as coulrophobia, often begins in youth, when children are unable to realize that a clown is not real and is merely a person dressed in a costume. If a parent does not help...
View ArticleHow to Overcome Your Fear of Big Dogs
A phobia of large dogs is a disorder that causes a person to have anxiety or discomfort when in the presence of the animal. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an average of 18...
View ArticleHow to Calm Panic Attacks Without Drugs
Panic attacks affect over six million Americans per year, according to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America. Calming yourself down during the peak of a panic attack can seem impossible -- you...
View ArticleHow to Overcome a Fear of Cats
Many people have fears of certain animals, such as dogs or snakes. A fear of cats, also known as ailurophobia, is slightly less common but can be just as debilitating. These kinds of fears often become...
View ArticleFive Tips for Overcoming Public Speaking Nerves
Public speaking can have a paralyzing effect if you are a first-time speaker. You have the jitters, your mouth is dry, your heart is beating faster and you fear making mistakes. Whether you are the...
View ArticleSigns of Nervousness Prior to a Wedding
Signs of nervousness before the wedding also goes by other names. A couple of these include pre-wedding jitters and cold feet. They are a common phenomenon brought on by major life changes for the...
View ArticleFive Ways of Learning to Talk to Children About Events
Our society exposes children to sights and sounds that they are too young to fully understand. Whether they are sexualized music videos or violent movies, children are interpreting these media images...
View ArticleHow to Overcome Fear of Thunder
If you have a fear of thunder, you are not alone. The fear of thunder is officially called brontophobia and can lead to real panic attacks for sufferers. If your fear of thunder is interfering with...
View ArticleHow to Overcome Fear of Interstate Driving
Driving the multilane interstate highways known to truckers as the "the supersled" can be intimidating. High speed, crowding and long stretches with no exits can trigger anything from sweaty palms to a...
View ArticleHow to Overcome or Move Beyond Fear
Fear can be a major stumbling block to many aspects of life, from going after the career of your dreams to pursuing romantic relationships. As daunting as fear may seem, however, it is important to...
View ArticleReasons for Paranoia
Mental health experts describe paranoia as a condition in which an individual becomes excessively suspicious based on unfounded or unwarranted fears. Paranoid individuals fear that something bad is...
View ArticleScary Things That Will Make You Jump
Surprises can emerge from anywhere. Certain surprises, such as a secret birthday party, an unexpected floral delivery or an unannounced visit from a friend, can earn a pleasant response. Then there are...
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